Happyfoodies had a blast covering the Kuching Waterfront Music Festival in Kuching, Sarawak in the eastern part of Malaysia. In between tasks and barring rain, we had occasions to wander off into the side streets and small alleys at the waterfront area leading to the bridge and parliament building. One of finds is this small coffee shop along Ewe Hai street, Black Bean Coffee and Tea shop while waiting for the sunset to shoot.

At 5:30, the staff was getting ready to close shop (workers have to catch the last bus home to the outlying areas) so we had to content ourselves with a serving of hot and cold coffee to go with our butter biscuits. Really good java we must say. And we bought extra stash of biscuits (butter and peanut varieties) because it was real tasty.

Look it up if you ever find yourself wandering the alleys of Kuching.
Black Bean
No. 87 Ewe Hai Street, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
Contact: 6082420290
Facebook: /Black-Bean-Coffee-Tea-Co/

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